Foundations in Faith offers four types of grants to support pastoral care ministries in the Diocese of Bridgeport. To apply, you must represent a Diocesan Catholic Parish, program or organization and meet certain criteria. You will also need to set up an applicant account.

  • Program support grants have a competitive yearly application cycle and are open to all Diocesan programs and ministries provided they meet the criteria for the fund from which they're requesting a grant. These grants are available through the St. John Paul II Fund for Religious Education and Faith Formation (parish support grants and Youth in Action grants), the St. Catherine Center for Special Needs Fund, the St. Therese Fund for Evangelization and the Lourdes Fund for Pastoral Care at Catholic Nursing Homes.
  • General operating support grants are non-competitive grants offered by invitation only to ministries selected by the Curia based on donor designations aligned with pastoral care Diocesan priorities. These grants are offered through the St. Charles Borromeo Fund, St. John Vianney, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton funds.
  • St. Francis Xavier Fund grants provide financial support to urban parishes deemed vital to the Diocese but face continuing socioeconomic stressors. This financial assistance is provided in several ways, such as fiscal stability grants, technology and communications grants, emergency need grants, and capacity-building grants.
  • Mini-grants range from $500 to $2,000 and are awarded to ministries that fit our mission of enhancing Pastoral Care in the Diocese of Bridgeport and demonstrate exceptional innovation or exceptional need. They are available on a rolling basis when funding is available and are by invitation only. To inquire about an invitation to apply simply speak with a Foundations in Faith staff or board member to pitch your idea.