Foundations in Faith Welcoming Program Support Application for the St. John Paul II Fund for Religious Education and Faith Formation
By Carol Incarnacao-Schirm
The 2023-2024 grant cycle for program support grants is upon us! Starting on February 15, pastors and ministry leaders in the Diocese of Bridgeport will be able to apply for grants up to $10,000 to support creative and innovative approaches to faith formation and religious education.
The St. John Paul II Fund for Religious Education and Faith Formation supports parishes and diocesan organizations with a focus on invigorating religious education and youth ministry programs.
At Foundations in Faith, we recognize this endeavor, especially for children, teenagers, and young adults is at the heart of parish life throughout our Diocese—and we keep in mind Bishop Caggiano’s emphasis on the importance of “thinking outside the box.”
The JP II Program Support Grants have funded diverse and dedicated parishes and ministry programs typically running from September to June. From bilingual curriculums, to theater productions, retreats, speaker series, and including basic nuts and bolts of religious education and faith formation, we look forward to applications that highlight creativity, innovation, and youth engagement.
A total $142,000 in program support grants was awarded to twenty-two parishes and ministries in 2022.
“The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with Him in the building of the civilization of love.” – St. Pope John Paul II
The program support grant program is the largest undertaking of all for Foundations in Faith. And it’s becoming even larger in 2023.
New Platform for Applicants and Grantees
This year, all applicants will first head to www.foundationsinfaith.org/grant-applicant-login to create an account. Then, from the Grant Applicant Dashboard, applicants will choose “Apply” under Program Support Grants. The best applications always include as much detail about the program as possible, including specific goals and a descriptive itemized budget.
Once the application is submitted, keep checking the Grant Applicant Dashboard for application updates—including grant decisions in the first week of July!
Application period: February 15 – March 31.
Questions? Contact Carol Incarnacao-Schirm, Grant Manager at 203-416-1393 or carol.incarnacao-schirm@foundationsinfaith.org.